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The Pioneer goes online!

By Aicee Julliane Aspuria | Monday, August 25, 2014

   The Pioneer, official school publication of Narvacan National Central High School (NNCHS) has launched its official webiste this August whick will make NNCHS the first and only school paper in Ilocos Sur to available online.

        In order for students to know more about what is happening inside the school premises and to hone the skills of the young writers, Maria Concepcion Iglesias, The Pioneer adviser, introduced the concept of having an online version of The Pioneer.

       "I think it will be easier to know what the recent events in the school if we have this kind of publication. Nowadays, students surf the internet just to stalk their idols or their crushes but when we have this site for the school, students will be informed and at the same time learn from the articles," stated Faye Ann Cambe, a grade 8 Darwin student.

      Furthermore, new articles are to be uploaded weekly to give the latest updates to the students and staff.


DANCE LIKE NOBODY'S WATCHING: The competing groups from different sections exert their full effort in showing their breath-taking performances with their creative costumes and props to bag the Interpretative Dance Tilt as a part of the Buwan ng Wika Celebration held last August 19,2014.


Room 32

Social Hall Building

Narvacan National Central
High School

Paratong, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur


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- First Quarter Card Day 

- Parents Teachers Association (PTA) General Assembly

School Intramurals

National Career Assesment Examination

06 SEP
25-26 SEP
07 OCT


"One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else say distract you from your goals."


- Michelle Obama

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